Monday, May 30, 2016

Keeping Air in the Tires

Update for May 31-June 3

This Memorial Day Weekend, my daughters and I spent some time together at the new "Hilliard's Station Park", which has a great fountain feature that the kids loved playing in.

Memorial Day was picture perfect for the first unofficial day of summer: 83˚F, mostly sunny, blue skies.

We biked it down the bike trail from our house and after some fun and a picnic lunch, it was time to head back.

As we got onto the trail, my youngest, affectionately referred to as "the complainer", started sharing how her legs were tired.

My natural reaction was to share some of the hundreds of "words of encouragement" floating around in my head.  After some deliberation in my mind, I went with the positive words.

"You're defeating yourself by saying you can't do it.  Try telling yourself you can do it."

A little growth mindset goes a long way -- At least it usually does.

"My legs are burning!  I can't do it!" she exclaimed.  It was obvious she wasn't experiencing the power of the mindset.

When we got to a stop I looked back at my daughter and noticed that the tires on her bike were almost completely flat.

#FatherhoodFail -- I didn't check the kids' tires before setting out on a 2 mile bike ride.

"Well no wonder your legs hurt; your tires are almost flat.  It must feel like you're riding through sand!"

Reflection -- 

These last four days of school will most likely feel like you don't have any air in your tires.  The speed of the week will be exhausting and the energy of kids + summer-like weather will no doubt have us peddling uphill.

So when you feel like you are biking through quicksand, take some time to put the air back in your tires -- 
  • Go to bed early.
  • Take an early morning or late evening walk.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Watch something funny on TV (I recommend Modern Family, black-ish, or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia).
  • Reflect on all of the GOOD that happened this school year - Better yet, have your students do this and share it out together.
  • Smile and know that you have made the difference in the lives of children!
Have a GREAT last week of school!


Tweets Worth Reading

Upcoming Dates -- 

May 31 -- 5th Grade vs. T's Kickball game, 11am-noon
May 31 -- ADE Luau, 6:30-8pm
June 1 -- ADE READ-IN!
June 3 - - Last Day of 2015-16 School Year
June 6 -- Staff Party
June 10 -- Secs Last Day
June 13 -- PTO Summer Planning Meeting, 6pm at ADE
June 14-17 -- Creativity Institute (Herb & Sara F)
June 21 -- Herb's last day to report before summer break. 

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