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This week, we went deeper into R-Factor with students at our school community meeting. We shared with them the power of pressing pause and getting our minds right. I loved seeing the “press pause” signs students starting taping to the walls in the hallway. I also enjoyed the anecdotes about students using these strategies with peers —
Liam helped 2 arguing friends by telling them "push pause and think about your actions." It worked! @AltonDarby pic.twitter.com/8ut8s9K3LK— Adrianna Kruse (@AdriannaKruse) April 6, 2016
Common language is powerful!
We also went deeper into the concept of “adjust and adapt”; being ready to take on change and getting better at dealing with change.
One of the most powerful lessons from this part of the R-Factor training is our response to new situations determines our level of stress. Anticipating change and getting better at adjusting and adapting reduces our stress and increases positive outcomes.
One of the most powerful lessons from this part of the R-Factor training is our response to new situations determines our level of stress. Anticipating change and getting better at adjusting and adapting reduces our stress and increases positive outcomes.
A few weeks ago, I read a couple of pages out of Seth Godin's book What To Do When It’s Your Turn (and it’s always your turn) and today they make more sense to me after experiencing this week than they did when I first read them.
The first read by Godin focused on the phrase “It will be okay” - Something we say to ourselves that means, “It will turn out the way we want it to.”
But as Godin reminds us, it almost never turns out the way we want it to.
He suggests we start saying and thinking the phrase “Something will happen” because something always will. We just have to have an open mindset and anticipate the right thing.
I told someone the other day that I do my best to help grow authentic experiences at school — I try to listen and wait, sort of like a fisherman waiting for the right fish. I’ve been trying to think “something will happen” more because what actually does happen usually far exceeds my expectations.
The second read talked about the feeling that we are owed something and it spurred additional reflection, but again it feels different after this week.
Sometimes we hold this notion that we are owed certain things in life. Not things like getting paid for work we do or rights we have. This is more along the lines of "I'm a good person...the world owes me for it" or "I have x amount of experience, so I am owed that opportunity".
Godin shares that this becomes toxic because this mindset creates massive amounts of disappointment. For example, what you think you are owed usually differs from how someone thought they should pay you back. We also set ourselves up for disappointment when we assume something must happen as a result of something we did. This disappointment and the constant mindset of feeling that you are owed something can be toxic.
I found myself agreeing with two truths shared by Godin:
I found myself agreeing with two truths shared by Godin:
1. No one owes you anything.
2. It's actually you who owes the world.
Wow -- That's turning the expectations table, don't you think?
"Owing the world" connected with me as a blend of my faith, servant leadership, and R-Factor. I am doing what I do because I want to serve others. I also know that my Response to a situation is someone else's Event. So given those two ideas, and given the statement in #2, remembering that "I owe the world" keeps me humble and keeps me focused on working towards positive outcomes.
We all have good intentions when we work hard and then expect certain things to happen for us.
I think the lesson here is that we should work hard, but keep our minds open to the possibilities and unexpected outcomes that come from our hard work.
Let go of the toxicity of feeling owed; serve others and stay open to possibilities.
That is something you owe to yourself.
We all have good intentions when we work hard and then expect certain things to happen for us.
I think the lesson here is that we should work hard, but keep our minds open to the possibilities and unexpected outcomes that come from our hard work.
Let go of the toxicity of feeling owed; serve others and stay open to possibilities.
That is something you owe to yourself.
Have a GREAT week!
Article Worth Reading --
“9 Elephants in the (Class)Room That Should ‘Unsettle’ Us” by @willrich45 https://medium.com/modern-learning/9-elephants-in-the-class-room-that-should-unsettle-us-8335b2cef9aa#.bq0nkgujj
I really hope you take the time to read this -- This list and the changes that are detailed reflects my goals for education. This is what drives me, what excites me, and what keeps me up at night.
Quotes Worth Sharing --
Upcoming Dates --
Apr 11 -- Connection Time w/ Herb
Apr 12 — 3, 4, 5 ELA State Testing (AM)
Apr 12 — Tech/Media Planning day w/Teams
Apr 13 — Spec Ed Team Meeting, Noon
Apr 13 — RTI Team Meeting
Apr 14 — PD w/ Dr. Donna: “Connecting Classroom Language to Student Success”
Apr 15 — School Community Meeting: Walk-a-thon Kickoff
Apr 19 — 3, 4, 5 Grade Math State Testing
Apr 20 -- Thrively survey due
Apr 20 — ADDC Staff Meeting, 3:40 ADE Media Center
Apr 21 — Herb Meeting AM
Apr 22 — Interims Go Home
Apr 26 — 4th Grd (Soc St), 5th Grd (Sci) State Testing
Apr 26 — 4th Grd (Soc St), 5th Grd (Sci) State Testing
Apr 27 — ADE Walk-a-thon (during related arts time)
Apr 28 — Transfer Meeting
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