Update for November 3-7

This week brought us another reminder of how talented our Arts Team is. The Fall Concert that Mrs. Root created with students was an absolutely amazing experience.
When we combine the Fall Concert with the Warrior Dash and Dot Day, we can begin to understand how much the Arts can impact a school’s culture.
We strive each day to create learning experiences that focus on skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity because we believe these skills are going to enable our students to be successful in discovering their passions. The arts, and those who bring learning to life through the arts, help us create a learning culture that focuses on these important skills.
Thank you Mrs. Bowers, Mr. Burkhart, and Mrs. Root for continuing to inspire us to celebrate learning through the arts!
-Mr. H
Upcoming Events --
Mon, Nov 3 --
Tues, Nov 4 --
Waiver Day/No students; Hilliard University at Darby HS and Heritage MS.
- Your day can be 7:30-2:30 or 8:30-3:30.
- Our Staff PD will start at 1:00pm in the Darby HS band room and last until 2:30.
Wed, Nov 5 --
5:30pm -- Market Day pick-up
Thu, Nov 6 --
Fri, Nov 7 --
Newsletter Home
Yearbook Art Contest Ends
First School Community Meeting!
When you walk into our building, each person can see our mission that was establish on the very first day of school in 2001: Children.
This year, we are continuing the work of establishing and communicating the common expectations for all members of our community through the PBIS Framework. When we take steps to reestablish the principles of our community, it is important that we also work towards our Mission and ensure that kids have a voice in the process.
Therefore we will be having our first School Community Meeting this Friday!
After discussing how we were going to elicit feedback from students about their beliefs about what makes Alton Darby, we decided we need to start by getting everyone together to celebrate our accomplishments so far this year and to give us all a task we will work to complete.
And this is how it will happen:
- 8:50 -- Student arrive and go immediately to the gym before going to homeroom.
- Breakfast students will go to breakfast as usual. They will join us when they are finished.
- Teachers will be in the gym to help get students organized. I will have a seating chart for you SOON.
- We will be leading the students in a cheer - “We...Are...Alton...Darby!”.
- 9:05 -- Mr. H starts the meeting by welcoming everyone, explaining why we are together, and then explaining the task everyone will work to complete.
- Task - Homeroom teachers will facilitate students in completing this phrase: “At Alton Darby Elementary, WE ARE _____________!”
- You will will be given a blank Puzzle Piece to write the word you decide reflects your room.
- 9:15 -- Students are dismissed to homeroom.
A 10 minute meeting that is going to help us do something BIG! Thanks to Jay, Angie, Karen O, Kim, Missy, Adrianna, Carla, Jane, Kris and Tiffany for your help with the planning! And thanks to everyone for helping to make our first School Community Meeting a success!
Mon Nov 10, 2014
6:30pm - 7pm PTO Executive Mtg
7pm - 8pm PTO General Mtg
Tue Nov 11, 2014
Picture Retake Day
Fri Nov 14, 2014
End of K-5 Grading Period
Mon Nov 17-20, 2014
Book Fair Week
Wed Nov 19, 2014
3:45pm - 8:15pm Conference Night
Wed Nov 26-28, 2014 No School
Articles Worth Reading
"What Are The Habits Of Mind?" http://feedly.com/k/XMkm24
"How Relearning Old Concepts Alongside New Ones Makes It All Stick | MindShift" http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2014/10/how-relearning-old-concepts-alongside-new-ones-makes-it-all-stick/ …
"9 Essential Lessons For Changing the World" http://www.angelamaiers.com/2014/10/9-essential-lessons-for-changing-the-world.html …
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