Ideas are like melodies looking for lyrics.
When we have ideas, we have a clear picture of it in our mind, even if it's just for the flash of a moment. Trying to explain your idea to someone for the first time often leads the person with the idea to frustration and leads the person who is listening to the idea to confusion. The melody is there, but no one knows what the song is about.
Paul McCartney has talked about getting the melody to "Yesterday". He had a piano is his bedroom and one morning, he woke up with the melody in his head and started plugging away at the piano. He knew he was onto something, but he had no lyrics.
Instead of singing "Yesterday", he just sang "Scrambled eggs, oh my baby how I love your legs..." since he hadn't landed on the lyrics yet. However, McCartney shaped his idea and eventually found the lyrics to go with the melody. Fast forward to today and "Yesterday" holds the Guinness World Record for being the most covered song at over 3,000 cover versions.
This story makes me think about how challenging it can be to develop an idea. Many times we say no to ourselves before we share with others, but that's a whole other topic.
Most times, we aren't committed enough to our idea and the first "No" becomes the end of the road. We toss the idea aside instead of reworking it until we are able to help others see the same thing we do in our mind's eye.
Flushing out an idea is challenging, but the challenge is what it's really all about - The process. That's where we do the most growth; where we have the fondest memories when we look back.
Ideas are beautiful opportunities to discover what life is really about -- It's up to us to commit to the good ones.
Have a GREAT week!
Articles Worth Reading
The New Dream Jobs
How to Teach the Standards Without Becoming Standardized
8 Requisites of A Great Teacher
Upcoming Dates
Mar 1 -- BIT Meeting, 8am at DCR
Mar 1 -- Connection Time w/ Herb -- Schedule is wide open! Stop by for a chat!
Mar 1 -- Steering Committee Meeting, 3:45 at DCR
Mar 2 -- ADE Staff Meeting: Terri to give us the essentials before next week's concert.
Mar 7 -- ADE PTO Meeting, 7pm
Mar 7-11 -- OLSAT (Gifted), Grades 1 to 5 by recommendation
Mar 9 -- Special Ed Team Meeting, 12pm
Mar 9 -- Special Ed Team Meeting, 12pm
Mar 9 -- Spring Concert, 7pm, Bradley HS
Mar 10 -- PD Series w/ Dr. Donna: "Discovery Approach", 3:45 at DCR
Mar 15 -- Professional Development Day -- No SCHOOL (Students)
Mar 18 -- Elementary Student Transfer Request Forms Due
Mar 18-24 -- Spring Break -- NO SCHOOL
Mar 25 -- Holiday -- NO SCHOOL