Sunday, April 26, 2015

"Grow beyond our walls"

Update for April 27 - May 1

We had an amazing celebration this week that highlighted a project that has brought the school community together over the past 10 years.  Take a look at some of the pictures from the event:

Becky reaffirmed for me that we can't let our job description limit what is possible.  Growing beyond our walls and connecting our passion to the school's mission is what innovative educators, including Becky, do.  And in turn it helps to create a truly innovative learning space.

Having what George Couros calls an "innovator's mindset" will help us continue to learn and grow as professionals and will also help us continue to provide kids with authentic learning experiences that will better position them for success in the future.

Have a GREAT week!


Videos worth seeing

Technology is not the problem...

Example of timely feedback.  How important is recognizing the learner's feelings when providing them with feedback? (Check out the 5 min mark)

Articles Worth Reading

Upcoming Dates

The calendar can also be accessed by visiting

Data Team Meeting Dates:
May 12 -- KG during assessment day lunch
May 20 -- 1st Grade AM; 2nd Grade PM
May 21 -- 3rd Grade AM (*Herb will attend by 10:15); 4th Grade PM
**Joanne will secure subs - They will be shared between classrooms.
**5th Grade -- I'd like to meet with you during planning time on Friday, May 23 to share trends from 4th grade and reflect on the year.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Let's take a walk.

Update for Apr 20-24

I had a lot of fun during the first “Walk with Mr. H” at recess on Friday.  Who knew walking around our path would be such a big draw with kids?  I tweeted a picture another teacher took of me walking and the response on Twitter was just as favorable as it had been with the kids:

I honestly don’t think it was because of me either; it could have been any one of us out there walking and the kids would have had just as much fun.

So what was the big draw?  Ask any kid to walk around a path during their recess and they’ll look at you like you have lobsters crawling out of your ears. But make yourself available to spend time with kids and they’ll be there.

I realized that the kids weren’t drawn to walking the path.  Kids were drawn to walking because it was a time to have a personal connection.
I had a great conversation with a teacher at the end of the week and we started talk about change in education (This is related, I promise...hang in there).  They said something that I completely agree with: Whatever we do for kids that works is really just good teaching.

It’s true: At the end of the day, it’s how we relate and interact with students that will determine the effectiveness of any program or any lesson that we do.  The conversation made me think of the remarks of another one of my favorite educators, Todd Whitaker: “It’s people, not programs, that determine the quality of a school.”

What that means to me is putting all of your stock into building relationships with your students. The “Walk with Mr. H” was successful because this year I’ve tried to make being visible in the building, knowing each student by his or her first name, and talking with them a top priority.  I believe that if I hadn’t spent my time building positive rapport with students, I would have been walking alone.  As George Couros reminds us: To inspire meaningful change, you must make a connection to the heart before you make a connection to the mind.”

All of this has helped me to understand one key aspect to the work we are doing this year: No matter what we do in the future to re-imagine what the elementary learning experience might look like, effective change will always depend on the positive relationships we build with each other and with our students.

Articles Worth Reading

Upcoming Dates

Apr 20
4th and 5th Grade ELA EOY State Assessments
Dave & Busters Spirit Night, 5pm-8pm

Apr 21
3rd Grade Spring OAA Reading
Staff Meeting with ADE/DCR staff at 3:45 pm at ADE--Teacher steering committee small group explains the vision/design for next year's extension opportunity to the staff as a whole

Apr 22
3rd, 4th, 5th, Grade Math Unit 1 EOY Assessments
*** Garden Dedication, Celebration *** 2:00ish -- See Becky and/or Meredith for details for how the kids can help this BIG DAY!

Apr 23
3rd, 4th, 5th, Grade Math Unit 2 EOY Assessments
*** ART SHOW *** 6:00-7:30pm

Apr 27
Board of Education Meeting at Alton Darby, 7pm

Apr 28
Tech PD with Kelly Riley, 7:45am

Apr 29
ADE WALKATHON -- During each grade’s Related Arts Time -- AM/PM KG will combine with a grade-level.  Details to come!

Student Housing Committee Meeting (Herb) 4:30

May 1
Team Connection Meeting with Dr. John/Board Member, 8:00am -- Meet and greet, breakfast provided.  Your chance to talk with Dr. John.

Upcoming AD/DC Project Dates

4/21--Staff Meeting with ADE/DCR staff at 3:45 pm at ADE--Teacher steering committee small group explains the vision/design for next year's extension opportunity to the staff as a whole

5/6--OPTIONAL STAFF MEETING--work time to collaborate/meet/plan with the people who are teaming up for the extension/design opportunity next year for students.

5/8--Teacher steering committee site visits and work session...
6 of the committee members from each building (those who didn’t go to Reynoldsburg) will go to Wickliffe with Herb, CT and Jennifer.  This team will see a Town Hall meeting that is completely run by students from 8:30-9:30 and then meet with, talk with, and tour the school with the principal until 11:00/11:30.  We will then meet back at CO at 12:00 with the ENTIRE Teacher Steering committee (the 4 who went to Reynoldsburg will need to put in for a ½ day PD request for the afternoon) to debrief and have lunch (provided and to be ordered through Aramark).  We will engage in conversation with the group regarding how to shift our practice as we continue moving forward with our design next year towards students defining their learning path through the options/opportunities that teachers can create/provide for them as experiences.  Could these/are these options/opportunities connected to the networks? This would support students defining the voice and choice in their learning and becomes the heart of student ownership within the design.
Additionally one GOAL for the day is to NAME IT...not pedagogically...or programatically....but based on our Guiding Principles.  So the IT that is named represents the way we do things grounded in those principles--the mantra of "Who We'd Like to Be".  We will be showing the teacher videos one more time and identifying how these ideas align to the principles established in our Guiding Principles and how these ideas can become opportunities for next year.  

5/13--last teacher steering committee meeting for 2014-15​--The purpose is the thank those who were on this committee and touch base/listen to their perspective of the buildings from which they represent, what they think is necessary for next year to move forward.  We will share with them our "list" of what needs to happen and ask them for their "list" in order to bridge the perspectives to move forward with SOME implementation of SOME ideas for the 2015-16 year.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Embracing the Energy of Spring

Update for Apr 13-17

As the energy and urgency of Spring returns, we are quick notice how much this energy influences our students.

Their energy seems boundless and sometimes, from our perspective, it seems like students are easily distracted or become more impulsive.  And if we have been in education for at least a few years, we know that this phenomenon happens every year.

This is the time of year when the status quo and familiar routines won't engage in the same way. Spring means change and it seems that it's in our DNA to have that same urgency for change.

So rather than fight it or dread it, let's channel our students’ energy and embrace it.

This is the time of year to go for that big project. This is the time of year when the skills you have been focusing on with your students are reaching the peak of the school year. This is the time of year to put it all together, involving students in the direction you will go next.

Instead of planning in order to fill time, plan like you wish you had more time.

Have a great week!


Articles Worth Reading

Something to make you smile -- This reminds me to find JOY in the small moments!

Upcoming Dates

Apr 13
PTO Meeting, 7pm

Apr 14
Student Housing Committee Meeting (Herb), 6:30pm

Apr 15
School Community Meeting, 9:05am → Walkathon Kickoff, Garden Dedication overview

Apr 16
Admin Meeting (Herb), 8am
**  ADE Parent EdCamp! ** 6-8pm

Apr 17
K-5 Interims -- A good chance to update parents before the end of the year!
Building Advisory Meeting, 8:15am

Apr 20
4th and 5th Grade ELA EOY State Assessments
Dave & Busters Spirit Night, 5pm-8pm

Apr 21
3rd Grade Spring OAA Reading

Apr 22
3rd, 4th, 5th, Grade Math Unit 1 EOY Assessments
*** Garden Dedication, Celebration *** 2:00ish -- See Becky and/or Meredith for details for how the kids can help this BIG DAY!

Apr 23
3rd, 4th, 5th, Grade Math Unit 2 EOY Assessments
*** ART SHOW *** More to come!

Apr 27
Board of Education Meeting at Alton Darby, 7pm

Apr 28
Tech PD with Kelly Riley, 7:45am

Apr 29
ADE WALKATHON -- During each grade’s Related Arts Time -- AM/PM KG will combine with a grade-level.  Details to come!

Student Housing Committee Meeting (Herb) 4:30

May 1
Team Connection Meeting with Dr. John/Board Member, 8:00am -- Meet and greet, breakfast provided.  Your chance to talk with Dr. John.

**  Last Data Team Dates -- End of the Year / Class Lists **

Still working on dates.  Most likely will be mid-May to allow more time for assessments.

AD/DC Project Dates

4/13--Teacher Steering Committee meeting--Jennifer is going to ask Marcy McNight from Norwich to come and present to the committee regarding the PBL design in 5th grade she has helped to create.
4/14—4 Teacher Steering committee members from each building (Tricia, Bobbie, Donna, and Carolyn represent DCR) to visit 2 STEM schools in Reynoldsburg with CT and Herb.  This was originally scheduled on 5/8, however, Reynoldsburg couldn’t accommodate us on 5/8.
4/21--Staff Meeting with ADE/DCR staff at 3:45 pm at ADE--Teacher steering committee small group explains the vision/design for next year's extension opportunity to the staff as a whole

5/6--OPTIONAL STAFF MEETING--work time to collaborate/meet/plan with the people who are teaming up for the extension/design opportunity next year for students.

5/8--Teacher steering committee site visits and work session...
6 of the committee members from each building (those who didn’t go to Reynoldsburg) will go to Wickliffe with Herb, CT and Jennifer.  This team will see a Town Hall meeting that is completely run by students from 8:30-9:30 and then meet with, talk with, and tour the school with the principal until 11:00/11:30.  We will then meet back at CO at 12:00 with the ENTIRE Teacher Steering committee (the 4 who went to Reynoldsburg will need to put in for a ½ day PD request for the afternoon) to debrief and have lunch (provided and to be ordered through Aramark).  We will engage in conversation with the group regarding how to shift our practice as we continue moving forward with our design next year towards students defining their learning path through the options/opportunities that teachers can create/provide for them as experiences.  Could these/are these options/opportunities connected to the networks? This would support students defining the voice and choice in their learning and becomes the heart of student ownership within the design.
Additionally one GOAL for the day is to NAME IT...not pedagogically...or programatically....but based on our Guiding Principles.  So the IT that is named represents the way we do things grounded in those principles--the mantra of "Who We'd Like to Be".  We will be showing the teacher videos one more time and identifying how these ideas align to the principles established in our Guiding Principles and how these ideas can become opportunities for next year.  

5/13--last teacher steering committee meeting for 2014-15​--The purpose is the thank those who were on this committee and touch base/listen to their perspective of the buildings from which they represent, what they think is necessary for next year to move forward.  We will share with them our "list" of what needs to happen and ask them for their "list" in order to bridge the perspectives to move forward with SOME implementation of SOME ideas for the 2015-16 year.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Saying "No" To Stay Balanced

Update for April 6-10

I recently asked a teacher if she would be willing to participate with me in a summer workshop on creativity.  Knowing the teacher, I thought it would be right up her alley.

Before she answered, I saw the hesitation on her face.  Then she considered what she might have to say no to in order to attend.

So, I encouraged her to tell me "No".

The look of apprehension was replaced with a look of relief.

"," was her answer.

I celebrated her healthy response and moved on.

This teacher knew her plate was full.  And she didn't want to add anymore to it.

It's important to go above and beyond for kids.  But it's also important that we have balance in our life.

I believe that truly living life is some of the best professional development than anything else we could do.

Remember that it's OK to say "no" to something that might tip your balance away from good professional development.

Have a great week!


A Must Watch Video!  -- "This Is Genius"

Brutally honest monologue from a high school student.  A good reminder to listen to the students' voice.  Be brave and seek their feedback. As seen on Seth's Blog (Thanks to Jane for sharing!).

Articles Worth Reading

"Sharing: A Responsibility of the Modern Educator" | User Generated Education

"Nourishing mind and body through school gardens""

Upcoming Dates

April 6
Tech PD with Kelly Riley, 7:45am

Apr 7
BIT Meeting, 8:15am (Moved for IEP meeting)
6th Grade Transition Meeting (Spec Ed Team), 3pm
**MEDIA CENTER being used after school, 3:30-7:30

Apr 8
School Community Meeting, 8:50am
PTO Brainstorming Meeting, 7pm -- Please come if you can.

Apr 9
Market Day Pick-up, 5:30pm

Apr 10
Building Advisory Meeting, 8am → May cancel if no agenda items received this week. If we have a meeting, it will need to wrap up by 8:25.

Apr 13
Dave & Busters Spirit Night, 5pm
PTO Meeting, 7pm

Apr 14
Student Housing Committee Meeting (Herb), 4:30pm

Apr 15
Walkathon Kickoff -- (Video with the news)

Apr 16
Admin Meeting (Herb), 8am
**  ADE Parent EdCamp! ** 6-8pm

Apr 17
K-5 Interims -- A good chance to update parents before the end of the year!

Apr 20
4th and 5th Grade ELA EOY State Assessments

Apr 21
3rd Grade Spring OAA Reading

Apr 22
3rd, 4th, 5th, Grade Math Unit 1 EOY Assessments
*** Garden Dedication, Celebration *** 2:00ish -- See Becky and/or Meredith for details for how the kids can help this BIG DAY!

Apr 23
3rd, 4th, 5th, Grade Math Unit 2 EOY Assessments
*** ART SHOW *** More to come!

Apr 27
Board of Education Meeting at Alton Darby, 7pm

Apr 28
Tech PD with Kelly Riley, 7:45am

Apr 29
ADE WALKATHON -- During each grade’s Related Arts Time -- AM/PM KG will combine with a grade-level.  Details to come!

Student Housing Committee Meeting (Herb) 4:30

May 1
Team Connection Meeting with Dr. John/Board Member, 8:00am -- Meet and greet, breakfast provided. Your chance to talk with Dr. John.

** Last Data Team Dates -- End of the Year / Class Lists **

Tentative Dates -- I will confirm by week's end

Thu Apr 30 -- KG AM / 1st PM
Thu May 7 -- 2nd AM / 3rd PM
Thu May 14 -- 4th AM / 5th PM

CREATIVITY WORKSHOP -- June 16-19, plus 3 additional sessions throughout the school year. I can take two more. Let me know soon!

AD/DC Project Dates

4/8—OPTIONAL Mixer Staff Meeting at Cindy’s house at 4:00 pm  -- Small group steering committee members lead.
4/13--Teacher Steering Committee meeting--Jennifer is going to ask Marcy McNight from Norwich to come and present to the committee regarding the PBL design in 5th grade she has helped to create.
4/14—4 Teacher Steering committee members from each building (Tricia, Bobbie, Donna, and Carolyn represent DCR) to visit 2 STEM schools in Reynoldsburg with CT and Herb.  This was originally scheduled on 5/8, however, Reynoldsburg couldn’t accommodate us on 5/8.
4/21--Staff Meeting with ADE/DCR staff at 3:45 pm at ADE--Teacher steering committee small group explains the vision/design for next year's extension opportunity to the staff as a whole
5/6--OPTIONAL STAFF MEETING--work time to collaborate/meet/plan with the people who are teaming up for the extension/design opportunity next year for students.
5/8--Teacher steering committee site visits and work session...
6 of the committee members from each building (those who didn’t go to Reynoldsburg) will go to Wickliffe with Herb, CT and Jennifer.  This team will see a Town Hall meeting that is completely run by students from 8:30-9:30 and then meet with, talk with, and tour the school with the principal until 11:00/11:30.  We will then meet back at CO at 12:00 with the ENTIRE Teacher Steering committee (the 4 who went to Reynoldsburg will need to put in for a ½ day PD request for the afternoon) to debrief and have lunch (provided and to be ordered through Aramark).  We will engage in conversation with the group regarding how to shift our practice as we continue moving forward with our design next year towards students defining their learning path through the options/opportunities that teachers can create/provide for them as experiences.  Could these/are these options/opportunities connected to the networks? This would support students defining the voice and choice in their learning and becomes the heart of student ownership within the design.
Additionally one GOAL for the day is to NAME IT...not pedagogically...or programatically....but based on our Guiding Principles.  So the IT that is named represents the way we do things grounded in those principles--the mantra of "Who We'd Like to Be".  We will be showing the teacher videos one more time and identifying how these ideas align to the principles established in our Guiding Principles and how these ideas can become opportunities for next year.  
5/13--last teacher steering committee meeting for 2014-15​--The purpose is the thank those who were on this committee and touch base/listen to their perspective of the buildings from which they represent, what they think is necessary for next year to move forward.  We will share with them our "list" of what needs to happen and ask them for their "list" in order to bridge the perspectives to move forward with SOME implementation of SOME ideas for the 2015-16 year.